Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Two week countdown

The house is almost packed up, the new engine is installed, and we have had several fun events to say, temporarily, goodbye to friends.

Dave has been working hard to get the new motor tested, install a windlass, and take care of numerous other projects to keep our power consumption down and spirits up.

Now, the challenge is fitting several weeks worth of food, nine months worth of clothing, tools and possibly books, cds, dvds and my freeweights into a very small space. But, it will all come together, even if our boat looks a little junked up. One of the hardest things has been wrapping up work projects and saying goodbye to colleagues, but everyone has been incredibly supportive. Now, where did I put the foul weather gear?


D. M. said...

Good to see you this morning, best of luck in your journey!

Unknown said...

Freeweights seem quite bulky for such a cozy ship. Can't you just lift heavy fish or something?